Refuze Mantra


R.E.F.U.Z.E.   Framework

R - Reset you defaults

            Growing up we all accumulate undesirable thoughts and beliefs like fear and doubt which restricts us from growing to our full potential.  In this section, we will eliminate these negative obstacles and return you to your original state prepared to create the life you always wanted.

E - Equip yourself
Like any job you’re preparing to do, it is critical to have the right equipment.  We will start you on your journey with all the basic tools necessary to launch you in the right direction.  As you grow and find your path, so too with your toolbelt.  “E” is your source for everything you will need at every stage.

F - Flow

This is your Journey.  Equipped with the appropriate tools and skills, you are prepared to begin developing the life that best suites you on all levels. Test the waters, learn from the masters, adjust adjust adjust…  Like unrestricted water finds its own path, now so will you...

U - Unique

In order to find pure fulfillment, is becomes necessary for you to develop your own style and personal expression in your chosen path.  You can’t be the “best someone else” so let it all out and allow the world to enjoy the greatest version and expression of YOU...

Z - Monetize

            As your mission develops it will require more of your money, time, and attention.  It now becomes critical to Fund your own mission.   In order to live an above average life and have that legendary impact you seek, you will also want to control the amount of income you’re able to create and the time required to do so.  Money is a multiplier to leverage, freedom, and IMPACT.

E - Empower others

            Becoming your best expression serves two end results.  You will now honor the universe with your gift of uniqueness which everyone will directly benefit from, while also simultaneously showing others what is truly possible.  It becomes proof and credibility of a system that can be duplicated for others to find THEIR best expressed life.

Refuze to Live Average!

Daily Journey Journal Tony Kates